“A Scientific Bonanza”
While speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony of the Hurricane Island Field Research Station, Marine Ecologist Bob Steneck, Ph.D. University of Maine School of Marine Sciences, enthusiastically projected this new facility to be a scientific bonanza!
The Hurricane Island Field Research Station will further our strategic goal to fully integrate science education and applied research. Hurricane Island, part of the Fox Islands Archipelago in Penobscot Bay, Maine is approximately 12 miles offshore from Rockland.
The 125-acre island is situated at the confluence of the Eastern Maine and Western Maine Coastal Currents, and the discharge from the Penobscot River to the north of the island forms a gradient of estuarine and marine habitat.
To the southwest, the western Maine coastal current causes water stratification and a zone of upwelling that affects the local ecology, and there is striking diversity in the bedrock geology to the west.
August 2023 Ribbon Cutting
Over 100 attendees gathered to celebrate the completion of the passive house envelope which houses the Field Research Station. Speakers included Governor Janet Mills, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, Maine Public Advocate Bill Harwood, Marine Biologists Bob Steneck & Richard Wahle, Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership Lead Scientist Phoebe Jekielek and Research Director Anya Hopple.
Summer 2023 Progress
The building came together through the collaborative efforts of the OPAL Build crew, Dan Miller of Belmont Boatworks, and Rockland Marine Corporation. Prefabricated panels were loaded onto trucks and driven onto the amphibious landing craft ISLAND TRANSPORTER and then unloaded and installed via the Belmont Boatworks crane.